Monday, 22 August 2011

Dear Sir / Madam

    I am writing with regards to an article, which I saw in the newspaper, in terms of the duties of a woman in modern societies. Having considered the issue meticulously, I feel I really must object to the points raised by the writer.
    Recently we have all become concerned that it is mandatory for both parents to work. It is a phenomenon that cannot be averted. First and foremost due to the fact that women feel willing to contribute to the proceeds of the family and support it financially. Moreover, it is a fact that today's society is not so close- knit as in the past. Therefore, it is not practical to rely on extended families, involving grandparents as well as uncles and aunts dwelling all together. ''We may as well use a nanny, instead'', is a common phrase today. Personally I am not convinced and I would have serious hesitations in terms of the services provided by a nanny. We need to face it: Nowadays working parents are forced to look at for their children.
    It is clear that women need to - and will - have two different roles in the family. Under no circumstances should we revert to the past. We have to look forward.  Families are changing and it is compulsory to make sure there are adequate facilities and proper infrastructure. The contemporary prospect of working online would provide more convenience for working parents, in order to make more efficient use of their time. Life would be easier, as the schedules of  parents would fit the ones of the kids.
    It goes without saying that stereotypes need to be abolished. We ought not to adhere to the traditional role of a woman. Despite the fact that we live in a materialistic, invariably progressive world, wanting more and more daily we do not see drastic changes towards women and workplace. This is most irrational.
    All in all, I fell sure that with efficient use of the time it is potential for working parents to juggle both their careers and their family. Fortunately, the majority of citizens nowadays would not agree with the obsolete opinions of the writer, which is very hopeful.
                                                                                                                                    Yours faithfully
                                                                                                                                    Nick Remigiakis

1 comment:

  1. Well done Nick! I admire the way you use advanced vocabulary in both of your new posts! Keep studying and soon your hard work will pay off! :-) See you tomorrow!
