Sunday, 7 August 2011

The restaurant''Eat by the sea''

      Those searching for a cosy restaurant need look further than Eat by the sea. This restaurant oppened his doors two months ago but it has many aspects to become one of the best. Located on the coast, just ten minutes from the centre of town, you can acquire the sense of sunshine and admire the charming and still view which is offered.
    When I toured the restaurant, I was impressed by the accomplished sense of good taste taht welcomes the customers. The intimate atmosphere made me gave in to temtation of wathcing the different sea-paintings which full the place. Last but not least, the comfortable chairs gives the last hint, in this exciting picture . Regarding the food, Eat by the sea specialises in local traditional food. When I ate, the food was was melt ib the mouth, fresh and mouth- watering. It has a superb taste, which reminds you exotic places. Dessert is also offered, which has a delicious taste.
    The night I went, there was a piano night with two musicians playnig the piano abd singing. The customers longed to dance.
With reagrds to the staff and service, there were quite efficient and attractive.
   While Eat by the sea has much to recommend it, some areas could be improved. Firstly, as it is located by the sea, it is a windy place with no protection for the customers. In my view the problem coyld be easily solved. Furthermore, another area for complaints is that the night I went, it was bustling and the staff were struggling, this is a good point though, as it shows the good quality of the restaurant and the food and therefore the large number of customers.
    In spite of these few criticisms, my overall opinion of the Eat by the sea isextremely favourable. I hane no hesiattion in recommening it, as it is a family restaurant in which customers will have a very enjoyable and tasteful meal.

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