Sunday 2 November 2014

About GM crops by Chris

Nowadays the increasing unemployment and growing world's population are leading to an imperative need for a solution to the upcoming need of food resources. Genetically modified crops, also known as GM, are laboratory modified crops whose DNA has been changed. Some people claim that GM food could be a solution to the problem of world hunger, while others claim that the effects of their use are still unknown. In my opinion that's a highly controversial issue both sides of which require careful consideration.


Proponents of GM production believe that (GM crops) it could be used in agriculture and the levels of famine would reduce rapidly. Agriculture is a large and essential section of the economy of a country and can give many opportunities for young people to find a job. Were jobs in crops to be created, more farmers would be able to work in the sector of food production and the country would begin to thrive. What's more, GM crops can be used in a variety of products such as ice creams, chocolate and cereals, covering lots of people's daily needs and making their lives easier.


On the other hand, detractors of the GM production claim that GM crops don't necessarily reduce world hunger in that more researches should be done before governments can allow their use. A case of point is Argentina, a country which allowed GM production so as to make people's lives better, but subsequently the production was sold/ exported to other countries without satisfying Argentinian population's basic needs. Moreover, not only do GM crops not ensure a drop in hunger, but they also might be a danger to the consumers' health. (Briefly explain why)


In conclusion, (comma) governments should conduct/ do more researches on GM crops and find out different tactics that could direct them to a solution to the problem of hunger. It is (avoid short forms) vital that governments protect people's health and develop defensive mechanisms against famine and unemployment.