Sunday 18 August 2019

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

  I just finished reading one of Agatha Christie's most well known books -And Then There Were None. 

  8 strangers were invited to a very large home on an isolated private island. When they arrive they all realise that there is no host or hostage waiting for them but instead, two servants who are simply following orders by the unknown, disappeared hostages. As soon as the first guest drops dead the remaining 9 all begin  to realise that there is a murderer around the island. As the days go by, one by one is being murdered and each cause of death matches a nursery rhyme, about 10 soldiers who are gradually being killed, which is framed and placed in all 10 of their rooms in the house they live in. The criminal manages to go without being  noticed or even suspected at all by his or her victims...

I am a huge fan of Agatha Christie's books. This novel is actually very clever, well though and put together, full of mystery and suspense! I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in murder misteries.

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