Sunday, 12 July 2015

Genetically Modified Crops (GM Crops)

In recent years, geneticists have found ways to produce new crops by modifying the DNA of the plants. This generates genetically modified crops, or the so-called GM crops. The most common one, for instance, is soya. Albeit genetically altered seeds are considered to be an indispensable part of our daily lives, since they exist in almost two thirds of all processed food products, it is an undisputed fact that this agricultural patent is a double-edged sword. 

There are many significant reasons why GM crops are far and away vital. First and foremost, it is estimated that there will undoubtedly be overpopulation over the next 60 years. As a consequence, not only will there not be enough agricultural land to grow food for everyone, but also global hunger will dominate. That is, unemployment and malnutrition, which are highly pressing issues even nowadays, are going to exacerbate in the future. Furthermore, proponents of GM crops claim that traditional agriculture makes ample use of powerful pesticides, herbicides to name but a few, which destroy crops. Therefore, a weapon to alleviate these devastating effects of such an intensifying phenomenon is developing non-traditional farming. Last but not least, GM crops substitute meat, so vegetarians may be in favor of them, too. 

Nevertheless, it is urgent that we comprehend the contrary results of GM crops. Firstly, hunger and famine can occur even when food is abundant. People suffer from them on the rounds that either the percentage of exported genetically changed food is higher, or because poverty does not allow citizens to be provided with goods that satisfy their needs. A striking example of this is Argentina. Although the country is known for fertilization, the President's decision to introduce transgenic soya, which appeared to be a catalytic factor to decrease hunger in the beginning,(in 2006 the total yield was 30 billion kilos- adequate for everyone), did not turn out to be effective. In fact, hunger remained steady due to poverty and the fact that the exports of transgenic soya were more than the amount which remained in the country. Additionally, it has been identified that GM crops may cause health problems ranging from allergies to kidney and liver damage. 

Taking all this into consideration, there is no doubt in my mind that GM crops are an ambivalent issue. Only if we use them wisely and in moderation, will we have the ability to reap their benefits without taking mankind into the realms that belong to God, and to God alone.